These machines process sidewalls and treads produced in Stage 1 machines, they require at least 1 other EECO machine for regular operation.
The BR1-1 Bead Remover and BWR5-1 Bead Wire Remover process sidewalls after they have been removed from a tire with a Sidewall Remover (SR1-1 or TTSR5-1). The Bead Remover leaves the bead encased in rubber while the Bead Wire Remover extracts the steel bead, completely separating it from the casing. Both machines render rubber sidewalls that are 100% steel-free.
The TC2-1 Tread Cutter and the T3C5-1 Truck Tire Tread Cutter big brother cut across tire treads after sidewalls have been removed with a Sidewall Remover (SR1-1 or TTSR5-1). They open a tire tread into a band and can cut this band into smaller, more manageable chunks.